Discovery better sleep:

Delivery & shipping


Goods will be shipped from Germany.
Goods will be shipped to the shipping address provided by the Customer. Depending on the time when the purchase order is received, purchase orders will be processed and made ready for shipment as soon as possible. Goods will be delivered by a parcel service. Unless the parties agree otherwise, the delivery period for shipments within Germany is 2 to 5 business days and for shipments outside Germany up to fourteen (14) business days following the completion of the ordering process by the Customer.

Please note that we have repeatedly experienced problems when goods were shipped to and deposited at a DHL Packstation. We, therefore, recommend choosing another shipping address.

Delivery and shipping terms refer to the logistics of physical products, digital products such as online courses are delivered digitally free of charge.

Postage, shipping charges & delivery

The shipping costs are calculated automatically when you place your order. Our articles are delivered to the following countries:

Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg.

Shipping costs within Germany and Austria:
Parcel = € 4.50 (free shipping from an order value of € 35)

Shipping costs to Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands:
Parcel = € 5.00 (free shipping from an order value of € 35)

Shipping costs to France:
Parcel = 10,00 €

Shipping costs to Switzerland
Parcel = CHF 7.50 (free shipping from an order value of CHF 50)

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