Hauptstraße 17
CH-8598 Bottighofen
phone/DE: +49 (0)7141 696 2559
phone/NL: +49 (0)7141 696 2569
Fax/DE: +49 (0)7141 309 8853-9
Registered office: Bottighofen
Commercial registry office: Canton of Thurgau
company identification number (UID) / company number: CHE-228.574.355
VAT ID Germany: DE 815 464 633
VAT ID Netherlands: NL 8242.06.150.B01
WEEE reg. no.: DE 79754400
Battery Act 21006241
Chairman of the Board/ CEO:
Scott Zalaznik
Executive Board members:
Marius Keckeisen, Thomas Viegener, Andreas Mauch
Board of directors:
Marius Keckeisen (President), Scott Zalaznik, Jürgen Dürr, Dominic Faber, Emanuel Obrist
Scott Zalaznik
(See above for contact details)
Hauptstraße 17
CH-8598 Bottighofen
represented by the Managing Director Scott Zalaznik
phone/DE: +49 (0)7141 696 2559
phone/NL: +49 (0)7141 696 2569
Fax/DE: +49 (0)7141 309 8853-9
Commercial registry office: Canton of Thurgau
company identification number (UID) / company number: CHE-228.574.355
VAT ID Germany: DE 815 464 633
VAT ID Netherlands: NL 8242.06.150.B01
WEEE reg. no.: DE 79754400
Battery Act 21006241
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