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In celebration of Earth Day
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In celebration of Earth Day

What has a worse CO2 balance: 1 kilogram of avocado or 1 kilogram of pineapple? This is exactly the kind of question we asked our team as part of the "Time for Climate Action" campaign on our last Team Day. What does this have to do with environmental protection? Through various challenges in nature, we made our team aware of climate neutrality. After a plant-based scavenger hunt, there was a guessing game about the CO2 footprint of food. The Moving Water Challenge was about spilling as little water as possible while having fun and moving: Water is a precious commodity - we often value it far too little.

Of course, food cannot be missing from our team day. As we are now more aware of which foods pollute the environment, our barbecue today is vegetarian and mostly vegan. Yes - non-animal burgers taste totally delicious. Oh, and to get back to the initial question: By the way, pineapple, at 0.9 kg per kilogram, has a slightly worse CO2 balance than avocado, at 0.6 kg per kilogram.

We still have room for improvement, for example, with the journey. The excuse: "The Swiss forest hut is difficult to reach" no longer counts. If Jonas, the smallest BLACKROLL® team member, comes by bike, we adults will manage that too 😉

And now it's your turn:
Find out here how you can do something for climate protection in 5 minutes.

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