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Climate Action @BLACKROLL®

Regarding climate protection, we all agree: there is something we can do about it. That’s why we set out on our climate action journey. And it’s part of our journey to contribute as a brand and support the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Our ultimate goal is to reduce emissions in the future and, where possible, to avoid them altogether. When this is not possible (e.g. in production or logistics), we take responsibility for these emissions and finance certified climate protection projects. But let’s start from the beginning...

Our climate action steps


In the first step, we collected all relevant data and passed it on to ClimatePartner to calculate CO₂ emissions at company and product level. We have taken into account all emissions that arise from our business activities, such as electricity consumption and heating, but also from employee mobility, business travel and product-related emissions.


With the results of the carbon footprint, we identify emission drivers and derive our reduction strategy from it and set reduction targets. Based on these, we initiate and implement reduction measures to reduce or completely avoid emissions. We are still in the process of developing our reduction strategy which will be shared soon.

Climate protection projects.

Due to the lack of technologies or opportunities, emissions remain that cannot yet be avoided or reduced. By financially supporting international certified climate protection projects, we can also take responsibility for these emissions.

Blue life, a non-profit organisation for climate and environmental protection,alongside ClimatePartner, one of the world’s leading consultancies in the field of corporate climate protection, accompany and advise us on our climate action journey. As a first step, we started calculating our CO₂ emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (Scope 1, 2 and 3).

To put it more simply: together with ClimatePartner, we have been calculating our carbon footprint of our company and all of our products since 2019. This includes all upstream and downstream emissions, e.g. purchased materials, disposal of products or shipping.

We pored over documents, interviewed employees, recorded the electricity consumption of our business premises, checked how often and how long our business cars were on the road - and much more. Wow!

Our CO₂ footprint 2022 including all of our products:

2,923 t CO

In comparison:

2,425 t CO₂ (2021)

1,612 t CO₂ (2020)

1,614 t CO₂ (2019)

Due to growth in production as well as in shipping and an increased number of employees, our CO₂ footprint has unfortunately increased in the past few years.

We cannot reverse the emissions of past years, and we will continue to produce unavoidable emissions (e.g. from production, packaging or transport) in the future. We therefore take responsibility for currently irreducible emissions from our corporate carbon footprint by financially supporting internationally certified climate protection projects. We are primarily concerned with emissions that are unavoidable or for which we have not yet taken any reduction measures for various reasons.

The footprint includes end-of-life emissions (HQ Switzerland & Australia) and the emissions that arise from the production of our exercise bands and foam rollers/balls (all emissions along the value chain from materials to production to logistics). In doing so, we have chosen to support climate protection projects outside of Europe, as climate justice also plays an important role for us.

Many countries have historically not contributed much to climate change but are now confronted with the implications. Since climate projects not only save emissions, but also support the social and economic development of the region, and therefore pay towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs), they also further promote climate justice.

Wind energy
Plastic on the beach

So far, we have supported climate protection projects for the amount of 2,187 t CO₂ emissions.

In 2022, we decided to take financial responsibility for certain emissions (those generated by our fascia products made of EPP and our two corporate locations in Switzerland & Australia) retroactively from 2020 by financially supporting selected certified climate protection projects from the ClimatePartner portfolio. As a next step, however, it is equally important for us to invest in carbon removal projects that do bind CO2. After all, real regenerative climate action can only be achieved if CO2 is reduced. The amount of funding for these projects is flexibly adjusted each year to our financial possibilities. Newly added since 2021 are the emissions for our exercise bands. We are aware that there are critical points to this approach. But done is better than perfect.

Moreover, as a corporate entity, we take our responsibility towards climate action very serious and aim to be a pioneer by promoting real climate protection and thus, regenerative economy.

Our BLACKROLL® Mangrove project

This year, we offset our corporate emissions (HQ Switzerland & location Australia) retroactively for 2022 for the first time through our own carbon removal project via the non-profit organisation for climate and environmental protection blue life . In this project, we are financing the renaturalisation of mangrove trees in Myanmar.

You can find all the details about this special project here.

Read more
The BLACKROLL® Mangrove project

Clean Oceans.

We offset all emissions caused by our foam rollers and balls through the project ocean protection. Over 8 million tons of plastic waste end up in the sea every year. The infrastructure for proper disposal is often lacking, particularly in developing countries. Stopping the plastic flood and improving the lives of the collecting communities at the same time - this is the approach of this climate protection project. Some of our products are also based on plastic. This is precisely why we have chosen this project. We are aware of the plastic problem - especially when there is no concept for a circular economy and waste ends up in the environment. You can read about what we are doing to further optimize our products made of the plastic EPP here.

Back to the ocean protection project - how does it work? In Indonesia, Brazil and the Philippines, residents collect plastic waste before it ends up in the oceans. They can, in turn, exchange it for money, food, drinking water or school fees at designated collection points. The collected plastic is recycled and turned into so-called social plastic, which serves as raw material for new products. Plastic Bank is linked with two other projects for offsetting CO₂:

10kg of plastic waste is collected for every tone of CO₂ offset.

Clean Oceans Plastic Bank Project
Clean Oceans Plastic Bank Project

Renewable Energy.

Based on the emissions of our company (HQ Switzerland & Australia) and product group exercise bands, we are investing in a holistic climate protection project for the development of renewable energy in Asia.

We opted for this project because this portfolio supports several projects in Asian countries that promote the expansion of sustainable technologies. This is a development we like to support. Also, with regards to the fact that part of our products is still based on fossil fuels, and one third of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. So, promoting renewable energy is essential today to mitigate the effects of climate change and meet the growing demand for energy. The best-known renewable energy sources are wind, solar and hydropower. Through this project, biogas and biomass projects are also supported. Here, energy is generated from renewable biomass, e.g., from waste such as coconut shells, wood or sawdust.

Wind energy
Wind energy

So both our fascia tools and training bands are ClimatePartner certified. You want to know more about this kind of certification? You can find all the information here:

Fascia Products made of EPP I Fitness Bands

Fitness bands
Fascia products made of EPP
Fitness bands

Let’s reduce this stuff.

...and where do we go from here?

We are currently continuing to work on our climate protection strategy and are developing further concrete steps to reduce emissions, which we will then be happy to share with you. For example, we intend to further increase the proportion of recycled material in our EPP products, have eliminated plastic packaging where possible and continue to use low-emission cardboard boxes made from recycled material. We also use green electricity in our HQ in Switzerland. External experts are supporting us on this path because climate protection is better together. Do you like to be part of our journey?

You are wanted!

We know like no other: you never stop learning. Therefore, we continue our innovation path and let ourselves be inspired by these three global common goals for a more balanced society in which we clearly see our role and responsibility as a company. That being said: teamwork makes the dreams work to do better. In case you have any ideas, burning questions or remarks, we are always glad to hear from you.

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