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Triathlon fascia training

Recover faster with these exercises for triathletes

15 Min
Products used in Routine
Ball 08
Ball 12

Triathletes spend many hours in the pool every week, as well as covering hundreds of kilometres on the bike and on the run. The repetitive movements of triathlon training can overload certain muscle groups.

On this page you will find recovery exercises for triathletes that will help you prevent "aches and pains" and maintain performance. Treat yourself to this soothing fascia massage after every training session. Your body will thank you.

What you should pay attention to during training

  • Slow pace of execution
  • Calm breathing (the exhalation may be slightly longer than the inhalation)
  • Relax the muscles

After every workout

Do these exercises for triathletes after every training session to boost your recovery.

Wall Angel

Stand against the wall. Place the BALL between your upper back and the wall. Now move your arms above your head. Return to the starting position.
Seconds per side
Body part
Upper Back
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Upper Back Massage

Place the BLACKROLL under your thoracic spine. Stand up with your legs. Clasp your hands behind your head. Slowly roll from your neck to your lumbar spine.
Body part
Upper Back
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Calf Massage

Angle one leg while sitting. Place the calf of the stretched leg on the foam roller. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Slowly roll out your calf.
Seconds per side
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Glute Massage

Sit with one half of your buttocks on the BLACKROLL. Stand up with the opposite leg. Place the foot of the side to be worked on on the knee. Support yourself with your hands behind your back. Slowly roll back and forth.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Quads Massage

Start in plank position. Place the BLACKROLL under your thighs. Slowly roll out the entire front of your thighs from the knees to the hips.
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Hip Flexor Massage

Lie on your stomach with your forearms supported. The head rests loosely on the back of the hands. Place the BALL directly above the groin between the straight abdominal muscles and the lateral iliac crest. Slowly lower your weight onto the BALL.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility

Hip Flexor Stretch

Place the BLACKROLL under your hips in the supine position. Place your arms at your sides. Place one leg bent on the floor. Breathe in and out deeply. Remain in this position.
Body part
Hips, Lower back
Training Goals
Recovery, Mobility
Products for Triathlon Fascia Training
Ideal for beginners
The mother of all foam rollers
8 cm Ø
Intensive & precise against pain & hardening
Ball 08
12 cm Ø
Well-rounded: against pain & hardening
Ball 12
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