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Warm-up exercises in volleyball

Prevent injuries in volleyball and improve muscular control through volleyball warm-up

15 Min
Products used in Routine
Multi Band
Loop Band

Warm-up exercises in volleyball are used to prevent injuries and activate relevant muscle groups. Do the exercises immediately before your training session to minimise the risk of injury during training.

The self-massage exercises with the fascia roller have an activating effect so be sure to use a fast rolling action during your warm-up before playing volleyball.

Before every training session!

Do the warm-up exercises before every volleyball session. Even when you don't have time or don't really feel like it. The exercises may save you from long-term injury.

Success through correct execution

Make sure you do the volleyball warm-up correctly. Remember the exercises are designed to have an activating effect and to prepare you for your training session.

Calf Activation

Angle one leg while sitting. Place the calf of the stretched leg on the fascia roller. Lift your buttocks off the floor. Quickly roll out your calf.
Seconds per side
Body part
Lower legs
Training Goals

Glute Activation

Sit with one half of your buttocks on the BLACKROLL. Stand up with the opposite leg. Place the foot of the side to be worked on on the knee. Support yourself with your hands behind your back. Slowly roll back and forth.
Seconds per side
Body part
Training Goals

External Rotation

Step onto MULTI BAND with one foot and hold other end with diagonale hand in front of body palm facing up. Bend elbow and rotate shoulder to pull MULTI BAND up. Return to starting position.
3 / 8
Body part
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Side Walk

Stand with feet wide apart and LOOP BAND around ankles. Bend your knees slightly and walk siedways slowly.
3 / 8
Body part
Glutes, Thigh
Training Goals
Activation, Strength

Overhead Squat

Stand on MULTI BAND with feet shoulder width apart. Cross MULTI BAND in front ob body and hold ends in hands. Squat down and lift straight arms up simultaniously. Return to starting position.
3 / 8
Body part
Glutes, Thigh, Upper Back
Training Goals
Products for your volleyball warm-up exercises
Ideal for beginners
The mother of all foam rollers
With loops
Versatile training: full flexibility from just one band
Multi Band
In six resistance levels
Small & skin-friendly fitness band for many exercises
Loop Band
Premium Quality
Optimal size, lies perfectly on the floor & doesn't slip
A powerful trio
Three LOOP BANDS in light, moderate & difficult levels
Loop Band Set x 3
More is more: All LOOP BANDS in one set
Loop Band Set x 6
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